When Brett and I imagine our vacations we get hyped up just planning them. We rave about all the tourist places we want to go, all the cool things we HAVE to do and above all the pictures we’re going take. Out of the three, putting together the photoshoots is the most exciting part. We have a blast going out and getting these fun edgy pictures but in the beginning, it was nerve-wracking and scary. Before we went to New York, we could barely muster the confidence to take pictures in Austin. Weird right? During our time in the city which was brief but super eye-opening, we figured out how to increase our confidence, really go for it and capture those pictures we always dreamed of getting but fell short of.
This is our NYC travel photo series: Brooklyn Bridge Edition.

Be brave! You'll never see these people again, so don't spend more than 5 seconds worrying about what they'll think. Everyone wants a good picture so don't be shy about your posing or what you need to do to get the shot you want. If it's cool which if it's making you nervous just thinking about it, it probably is, more than likely after you've done it, other people will follow you. Seriously this happened to Brett and me so much in Brooklyn and it was super flattering. I'd stand on a bench for a shot and suddenly there was a line of people waiting for us to finish so they could do it too. Go for it, just throw yourself out there and see what happens. Don't be afraid to be a trendsetter.
Dress Confidently. Wear something that's going to make you want to strut around and show it off. You'll feel less reserved about the whole thing. If you don't know what to wear check out my NYC closet or do some research on Pinterest. Be weather-appropriate cause I promise you'll be less open with your posing if freezing. - TIP: ladies if you want to wear heels bring them in a backpack and wear comfy shoes to get there and then change. You walk a lot in the city your feet will thank you.
BEWARE THE BIKERS! On the path up to Brooklyn bridge, there's a pedestrian path and biking path. Bikers come by and some are nice and some are rude when you see one just move over but when they're not there you can stand in the middle or be on that side if you want, just be mindful. It's really important to be vigilant of bikers because they come whizzing by and they hate to stop cause you're in their way or worse hit you!
The best view in our opinion is from the Brooklyn side of the bridge. You can access it from Manhattan as well but from Brooklyn, you have the skyscrapers of NYC in the background. There are a few spots leading up to the middle of the Bridge where you can stop off on the left side and either stand on a bench, sit on the railing (carefully cause there are cars down below) or even just standing on that side will put the skyline at your back.
Try multiple poses, wear your jacket in some and then take it off, sling it over your shoulder like strutting on the catwalk. Create variety so you have tons of options to choose from. There's nothing worse than banking on one pose and then going to edit it later and realizing that you hate it or you should've done something different. In lifestyle content and blogging, it's always good to give off a casual vibe. So you can look at the building, fluff your hair, fiddle with your hat, look thoughtful. I would recommend bringing something that will naturally give your hands something to do. Variety is the lifeblood of content creation especially lifestyle content
Angles are important! Get your photographer to lay on the ground or you sit upon something higher like the benches or railing. Shoot from the side, straight on and even over the shoulder. Get some far away from the bridge, some close-up and detail shots, You walk all the way up there make it worth it.
Swipe through some of our favorite shots below.
Lastly, just have fun. The bridge is stunning and I implore you to make sure you make time without all the devices and distractions to just purely enjoy the space.
Have any tips for getting the perfect shot? Want to know more about our camera and other equipment? Drop it down in the comments.