This is our travel photography tips, DUMBO edition. We had so much fun at DUMBO, taking pictures, checking out the local shops and eating at the new Time Out Market.
While we munched on our burgers and chatted up locals we compiled our thoughts into 10 bite-size tips.
Down below we have some tips on how to make the most of DUMBO and get shots that are as equally iconic as the ones that inspired us to go there in the first place, and unique so they don't feel like a carbon copy.

Drop it low. An upward angle is the best angle especially if you don't have a wide-angle lens or a camera. You can get great shots on your iPhone but get that beautiful iconic frame that we all adore of DUMBO, you're going to have to get low low low...
Avoid Mob mentality. There's literally spots all down the street so choose a spot that works for you, don't follow everyone else necessarily because in our experience most people were too close to get the shot that we wanted. It probably worked for them but remember that their vision isn't always the same as your vision. Trust your gut, that's the only way you'll be able to nurture your creativity.
Be mindful of cars. DUMBO is located on a one-way street, and it has pretty low traffic flow but cars do come. Don't be scared, the locals know it's a hot spot for tourists with lots of people in the street. They drive slow intentionally but pay attention and be respectful, don't make them wait for you. Move out the way and then start again once they're gone.
Go big with your clothing. Wear a ballgown or those oversized sweatshirt dress things that are really in style right now. The more effort you put into your clothing for a shoot the more intentional and professional it looks. Effort, is always attractive and this applies to all things in life including photography. Look into street fashion rules and tips, check out NYC fashion blogs. It'll help you pack and plan appropriately. For me, I thought about all the locations I wanted to go to and built my outfit based on that and the feeling I wanted to give off in the shot.
Take pictures on the sidewalk. DUMBO is the main attraction, yes, but NYC streets have a natural aesthetic that's just too cool to pass up. This also increases the odds that your pictures won't look like anyone else's.
Switch the focus, move between focusing on the bridge, all its details and focusing on the subject (you or whoever you're with). I know you've seen those common swipe throughs on Instagram that are following this trend and this is a good way to capture it.
Play with your settings. you're shooting with a DSLR camera and not your phone, check out your manual settings. Decreasing your ISO during the day can add a fresh crispness to your pictures. A good rule of thumb is to set to 100 for bright sunny days.
Be intentional about the time of day. The sun rises in the east and you're on the east coast. Take advantage of that and add those natural pops of color to your pictures.
Have fun! Laugh, wear that prom dress you've been dying to put back on since highschool, try that vogue pose from the magazines, sit in the middle of the road and eat a slice of pizza while your friend snaps away. Photography is all about expression and enjoying yourself. Don' take it too seriously and have a good time. It's vacation after all.
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We had so many things on our list but weren't able to do them all, the city is as massive as it is magical. What are your favorite NYC hotspots? Where do you want to visit, what do you want to see?